Saturday, April 28, 2007


I've moved my blogging over to my web site with Wordpress technology. I hope you will continue to visit my blog at that location...


In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Book of Daniel - Part 2

With the speedy discontinuation of “The Book of Daniel” by the Network television I decided it was not necessary to write an overly long or detailed follow-up to my first post about the show’s first episode. Obviously the people of America did not want to see such dirt on television, except for certain Episcopal pastors in various parts of the country.

Instead I would simply like to point out a small observation. The ultimate goal of bringing shows onto the TV screen that eventually get cancelled is the progressive desensitization of the people who regularly watch the television.

It was shows like "Ellen" that first introduced homosexuality into the mainstream TV sitcoms and now sitcoms are filled with one or more regular homosexual characters and it is no longer an oddity, but normality. But what am I saying that you don’t already know from your own experience?

I suspect I am saying nothing new, but I would offer some ‘prophetic’ options nevertheless… With the Church (in America) in its current state and the eventual and inevitable offspring of the Daniel-type show, I would venture to guess that apostate Christianity is going to experience one of three things:

1) The Church will be washed once again and reformation will take place and a very visible winnowing-like-effect will take place with the corrupt members of the Church.
2) The Church will experience a great departure from within, in which the majority will depart by actually renouncing the name of Christ.
3) Or the government will become so corrupt over the next 50 years that Christianity will be cleansed by persecution and only the faithful will preserver even unto death.

Now, in all these options I want to make one thing clear. The visible Church will never die and the Kingdom of Christ that is manifested in the visible Church will continue to grow and grow until it has filled the earth. The Church will go through many hard times and many false teachers will arise. But on thing will never change – Christ will always be the head of the Church and the Church will always be His Body and His Bride.

Christ has given us (His Bride) all things and all things will one day be given to us as an inheritance and we who are saved will live forever enjoying all the glory that God has promised us in Christ. “The gates of Hell will not prevail” is the Bible’s way of saying that the Church is offense in its very nature and not merely defensive. When Christ ascended to Heaven to sit on His thrown at the right hand of God it was then that the Kingdom of God was given over to the saints. And ever since that day the heavenly Kingdom of God has been growing and the New Humanity, the Church, is always growing up into maturity and will never be destroyed. For every kingdom that seeks to destroy the Church, that evil kingdom will be cast down and shattered into a million pieces never to rise again.

It is my hope that you will see the Church in all its glory and that you will know that God in Christ has and is reconciling the World to Himself. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but for those who are false and for those who do not obey Jesus – their end will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth and a fire that will never be quenched.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Book of Daniel - Part 1

No, this is not an introduction to the canonical book or an exegetical essay describing the 70 weeks therein. This is a critique and analysis of the new NBC program called ‘The Book of Daniel.’

Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately, I did not know that it was a two hour premiere so I only recorded the first hour. But within the first 5 minutes of the show it was obvious that all the articles I had read were telling the truth about the content of the show and the ‘issues’ Daniel’s family has.

Oddly enough, the show starts out with their daughter in jail at the local police station and her father, Daniel, picking her up. I thought the show was going to be some kind of comedy that mocked Christianity with a light tone. But right from the start you know that it is a satirical drama that is very dark with dry, even blasphemous, humor.

In essence you learn within the first 20 minutes that the family’s daughter is dealing drugs, one of the sons is a homosexual, the other son is adopted and very addicted to having sex with girls, and lastly, the father and mother are addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol respectively. Daniel, the father, is an Episcopal priest who sits under the leadership of a woman bishop. The daughter, Grace, is dealing drugs in order to raise enough money to publish her Manga (Japanese Animation) comic which just so happens to be a comic book version of her own family and all their problems. The homosexual son, Peter, is recovering from what seems to be a bad breakup with his boyfriend. The adopted son, Adam, is Chinese and his current girlfriend is 15 (about to turn 16) years old and very in to having sex with him on an almost daily basis. The family’s mother, Judith, seeks comfort from all of their family problems by drinking vodka to ease her frustration and pain. Lastly, we come to find out that Daniel is addicted to prescription drugs.

But the most outrageous and blasphemous part of the show is when Jesus appears (during various parts of the show) to talk with Daniel about a problem that Daniel is having and to discourage him from using the prescription drugs. Jesus appears only to Daniel. But the problem is that Jesus doesn’t care about the Bible and simply talks to Daniel in a very non-judgmental and condoning way about each situation Daniel is struggling with. Jesus’ main, and very telling, statement is that “your daughter is a good girl” or “don’t worry, just let it work itself out.”

This first episode involves a very bad scandal regarding Daniel’s brother-in-law who has disappeared with over 3 million dollars of the churches money that the church intended to start a school with. The brother-in-law is married to Daniel’s wife’s baby sister, but as the show progresses it is revealed that he has run away with not only the money but also his secretary. Daniel’s wealthy golf buddy who helped raise the funds takes him to play golf in order to threaten him with a church scandal if he doesn’t find the brother-in-law and get back the money for the school. His wealthy friend’s daughter is the girl Daniel’s adopted son is having sex with.

At the start of the show, on the drive home from the police station, Daniel, his wife, and his daughter all begin to shout and curse at one another. The pinnacle of the shouting match is when Daniel tells his wife and daughter to realize that they actually have a loving family and that they should be thankful for that because of how rare that really is these days. But in the process of making that entire statement he is yelling the whole time and using various explicatives throughout that I cannot quote on this Blog. Everyone becomes quiet and the rest of the ride home is in silence. But as soon as they arrive in the driveway Daniel tells them to get ready for church and acts as though nothing is wrong. He says, “Let’s not make a big thing out of this to your brothers, you can tell them later or not at all.”

So, what we come to find out in this first seen of the show is two fold. Positively, Daniel shows himself to be the head of the household, but negatively, he leads his household into sin and continually sweeps things under the veritable rug so as not to deal with them.

The family continually makes fun of one another or curses at each other and tells everyone to stop talking about it (whatever the problem is) and that they should all be quiet and leave well enough alone. Of course that is my edited way of saying how they tell each other off.

“Temptation, is it really a bad thing? I don’t think so. What I mean is if there were no temptation how could there redemption? If we never did anything bad how could we repent and be stronger for our weakness? Doesn’t good need evil in order to be good? Now obviously I’m not suggesting that we should go looking for temptation. But my brothers and sisters, if temptation corners us maybe we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for giving into it. And maybe, maybe we shouldn’t ask for forgiveness from a church, or from God, or from Jesus, or from anyone until we can first learn to forgive ourselves… [walks from the pulpit to the benediction table] Let us rise for the profession of faith. We believe in one God.”

This was the end of the Sunday morning service that Daniel preached before the intro theme to the show began.

Need I say anything else? Well, after the sermon the Bishop meets him in his office and begins to tell him that he shouldn’t say those things, especially since the Episcopal Church is in crisis for their liberal policies. And Daniel responds be saying that we are a country in crisis and that he’s entitled to his interpretation. When he tries to quote the Bible the bishop tells him not too because of all the degrees in religion and philosophy she has. So, from that point on in the show we see that the Bible has no real importance in the church or in people’s lives and that college and doctoral degrees negate it as the chief authority.

After that potion of the conversation, Daniel asks if we are really supposed to expect people to not give in to temptation. The bishop responds by saying that that is the business they are in with Daniel’s reply asking, “I thought this wasn’t a business.” But the bishop responds by telling him to take a closer look at his expense account.

The show does not get any better and even worsens when we hear the conversations between Daniel and Jesus as they talk about things one on one.

In closing I would like to highlight a few of the conversations between Daniel and Jesus…

In Jesus’ first appearance to tell Daniel not to take anymore prescription drugs Daniel begins to tell Jesus that he doesn’t know what to do about Grace. Jesus responds by telling him not to worry about it and that Grace is a good girl.

Later in the conversation Daniel says, “You know I been meaning to ask you… Have I been chosen?” Jesus replies by saying, “No,” with a smile on his face. Daniel says, “Well, why do you talk to me then?” Jesus answers, “I talk to everybody.” Daniel says, “Well few mention it.” Jesus says, “Few hear me. Tell me what they want. Most don’t listen.” Daniel says, “Huh.” And the conversation ends.

Daniel has another conversation with Jesus later in the show...
Daniel says, “Why is it so easy to talk to you?”
Jesus replies, “I’m a good listener. Plus I never burden you with my problem.”
Daniel says, “You have problems?”
Jesus maintains the focus by saying, “Now we’re talking about you problems.”
Daniel gives up and says, “Tell me what to do. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Jesus replies, “Yes you do. It’s just hard. Life is hard, Daniel, for everyone. That’s why there is such a nice reward at the end of it.”
Daniel then says, “I know that’s supposed to be comforting. But it’s not. Aren’t you supposed to comfort me?”
Jesus says with sarcasm, “Oh, where did you read that? Some Episcopalian self help book?”
Daniel laughs.
Jesus continues, “That’s good. You should laugh more. Hey, have you that… ‘Jesus’ guide to a comfortable life’? Very comforting, that one is.” (with sarcasm at the end)
Daniel laughs and responds, “No, but I have read ‘Men are from Mars, Jesus is from Heaven.”
Jesus mentions another, “My Tuesday with Jesus.”
Daniel mentions another, “I’m okay, you’re divine.”
Jesus replies, “That’s my favorite!”
And they both continue laughing and chuckling at what each other says.

Lastly, another obviously un-Biblical stance the show takes is near the end of the first hour where Daniel and Judith are talking about their gay son and Judith says that it is genetic. Then they start blaming it on their families past history and discuss the various instances of homosexual males on both sides. They continue laughing and go to bed for the night.

With all this said I will end this post. But I will post again with a much more critical and Biblical response to the issue soon.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Judgment of God Surrounds Us

Let us look at our country and see all that is happening around us. The clearest picture of the judgment of God has been seen through the most recent natural disaster on this country's soil. See my post on the Tsunami for when I addressed natural disters being defined by the Bible as judgment from God.

Hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf coast and slaughtered the great city on the sea. But let us not stop and merely look at this ‘natural’ disaster as the judgment of God, instead, as I have titled this blog entry, look at everything around us and see His judgment upon the nation we live in. (Read Romans 1:18-32 to understand the Biblical basis for my analysis)

At the middle of the first decade of this new century and millennium we have seen much more than the devastation of nature. We have seen the total depravity of man increase across the board in political and organized agendas alike. But do not be fooled, it has been growing for years, but for most Christians in this country it is impossible to see why this is happening because our Theology in this nation does not understand God or His Holiness.

Sexual debauchery is celebrated in every part of the land. Corruption abounds in every area of government and justice does not go forth. Abortion continues to fill the lands and the graves of these little ones fill the nation in landfills and dumps, all because of the desire to fulfill our sexual lusts and not face the results of such intercourse. Unnatural and abominable sexual acts are being passed into law as valid marital unions and the organizations that are pushing these laws are growing in power and wealth. The children of the land do not obey their parents and rebellion exists in every place with no discipline given to them because of fear that the government will press charges at the whim of the children who cry "abuse!" simply to punish their own parents for disobeying their selfish demands. The Church of our Lord has seen great apostasy in this last century and even further apostasy from the Gospel in this current decade.

The end result of all this will be amazing. The end will come like a flood. And when the people cry out, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman. This will be America’s fate unless God in His mercy grants this nation Godly sorrow which will lead to true repentance.

It is my hope that those who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ will devote themselves to preaching the Gospel in season and out of season where ever the opportunity arises so that the Church might find repentance and once again be a light in the darkness of this land. Political activism and good morals will not save this country and any attempt to legislate people into acting right and neglecting the preaching of the Gospel will only result in the increase of depravity because the unregenerate heart does not understand the things of God because they are foolishness to it. When activism and good morals are pushed without the Gospel coming first and foremost no one will be changed and no one will truly repent of their sins. (See 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

Therefore, may the Triune God, who is sovereign over all and blessed forevermore, cause you to walk in His statutes and obey His commands. May He give you a new heart and sprinkle clean water on you in order that you might be cleansed from your iniquity. May you find repentance in your soul and may Jesus Christ be Lord over you and in you and through you. This is what I desire for those who have not yet believed in the Gospel of the Glory of God which is found only in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ He attained eternal redemption for all those who believe. And for all those who do not believe they are condemned already and on the last day they will find no peace and no safety from the eternal death that awaits them.

This is the truth of God through His Word. God has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus, and if we hear His voice we must not harden our hearts. Therefore, while it is still called today, do not harden your hearts against the Spirit of Christ. But find for yourself repentance and obedience to God our Father and Jesus Christ through the power of His Spirit that gives life to all men and brings light, after darkness.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Father Brown Fakes the Shroud

Well, I certainly want to jump on the bandwagon of explaining the Shroud of Turin. I will first state that this experiment does not disprove the Shroud as authentic. But it certainly gives the first reasonable explanation about how medieval people could have made the Shroud of Turin...

Note from web site: The first linen image [above] created by Beauchamp's window, exposed for ten days generally parallel to the sun's path. The linen bears a negative image, dark on light (left), which becomes positive, light on dark (right), in a true photonegative.

Here's the first image that they tested with, creating a pirate shroud...

Note from web site: This pirate was the first image created by sunlight under painted glass. The extremely successful realism encouraged the Shroud attempts.

All of this is very good in my opinion. But that is probably because I don't like the Shroud of Turin. =) Nevertheless, I encourage you to check out the web site they have running that explains the experiment and gives photos of all the tests and more...

Shadow Shroud (the main web site)

Other resources for reading are as follows:

Father Brown Fakes the Shroud (the best article available written by the main culprit, N. D. Wilson, for Christianity Today)

The Shroud of Turin: Toward a Mystery Solved (a quick article by Douglas Wilson, Nathan Wilson's father)

The Discovery Channel

This is quite amazing and hopefully informing news for everyone reading my blog before it hits nationally. This is going to get some major attention.

If you want to keep informed about this I suggest going to the or to (the Blog of Douglas Wilson wonderfully entitled BLOG and MABLOG).

If you want to order a lecture by Nathan Wilson on the Shroud Experiment then call Canon Press at 1-800-488-2034 to pre-order the CD of his presentation. I've already ordered it and it cost me $10 after the shipping charges.

The best part about all of this is the fact that it has been done by Christians and gives evidence against the authenticity of the Shroud. Second best is that it has been done on the roof top of a building, not in a laboratory. Scientists have not yet been able to forge a shroud that was practical for medieval scientists, or medieval people in general, to have made with the technology of that day.

Now that a person, who is not a scientist, has produced a shroud forgery with a painting, cloth, and sunlight exposure... well, I think you get the picture. = )

Even though non-Christians might claim that this is evidence against the Resurrection of Christ, they will continue to prove themselves ignorant because the resurrection never had its foundation in a stupid shroud. It is my hope that this discovery will strengthen the Church and destroy any idolatry that has been committed because of the Shroud of Turin.

This, as you can tell, is good news from my perspective and I hope you feel "in the know." Have a great week everyone!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

...Both Will Fall Into The Ditch

Matthew 15:10-20: "When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, 'Hear and understand: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.' Then His disciples came and said to Him, 'Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?' But He answered and said, 'Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.' Then Peter answered and said to Him, 'Explain this parable to us.' So Jesus said, 'Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.'"

For a more complete context read Matthew 15:1-9 to see what started 10-20.

This passage is one of the many passages containing Biblical Satire. Jesus calls the Pharisees blind men leading the blind and points out their absurdity by saying they will all fall into the ditch. I want to relate this and the rest of the above passage to the following news article from last week: Lesbian cleric's prayer irks legislators

In the lesbian prayer this statement was made, "Holy One, convict those who are using their power not to lead or to guide but to harm the gay and lesbian citizens, a small minority in this commonwealth."

We now see the rise of homosexual clergy for homosexual citizens coming to the front of American culture and religious practice. As it was in Christ's day, and so in every generation that has lived, spiritually blind people continue to confuse their physical sight with their spiritual sight and think that they know where they are going and that what they are accomplishing will be for everyone's own good. Unfortunately, that is not the case...

Can you see it now? As postmodern thought and anti-supernatural modernism continue to propagate, people will continue to buy the idea that God hasn't really spoke objective truth, therefore leaving each and every one of us to our own finite realities trying to make sense of this world based on our experiences. Come on everyone! Do you or anyone else care about serving a god who hasn't spoken to us about how it is we should live in this world or, more importantly, how it is we should worship Him? If this god hasn't revealed himself/herself (or maybe itself) then why would we pray to it? Why would we ask it to convict our hearts and minds about 'hurting' people when we don't even know how to define the word 'hurt' because the 'truth' is... reality is pluralistic! Right? =)

It really is quite absurd to think that the God of the Bible would actually hear such gobble-ti-goop. This woman's god is nothing more than an idol created in her own mind to please her sinful desires. And we all know the end result of such people (especially false teachers) and their idols... their end is to be burned as they are now near to being cursed. (Hebrews 6:8)

When you look at the homosexual movement in this country you should look at it this way... Those who defend it and desire its success are just as the Pharisees. They are the blind leading the blind... and both will fall into the ditch.

Take it or leave it, you have to stand against the homosexual agenda or blindly walk in the darkness towards the pit that consumes, for all eternity, all who fall into it.

Remember this day who you will serve. Will it be God or your own fleeting desires?

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Note: For a brief defense of Biblical Satire and "Trinitarian Skylarking" check out A Serrated Edge by Douglas Wilson. It will challenge your future reading of several Bible passages that are typically read with too much reverence and awe, in relation to the tone of voice we use when reading them or the tone of voice we think the speaker used when they said/wrote it. It will also give you a basic understanding of the Biblical pattern for giving offense when offense is needed. It will be well worth your time to read it and study the numerous passages Wilson points out in the book.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Cosmic Retribution

Can you say, "Cosmic Retribution"? I know I can, but I don't know where the author of the article (the URL linked to the title of this entry) got the idea that such a thing could exist...

On Monday, February 14 (Valentine's Day), Alan Keyes' daughter, Maya Keyes, came out of the closet at a gay rights rally in Annapolis, MD. She is a lesbian and obviously proud of it. (note Romans 1:25-32) Alan Keyes called homosexuality "selfish hedonism" during his most recent campaign in Illinois. To quote the above article link, "When asked if he thought Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, was a selfish hedonist, he replied, 'Of course she is.'"

Now, I highly respect Alan Keyes and his stance on many things, especially this one. The odd thing about this article is the following quote: "But for gays and lesbians there's something particularly satisfying about watching a prominent antigay conservative learn that his or her own child is homosexual. It smacks of cosmic retribution: Mr. Keyes now has to choose between his antigay 'pro-family' rhetoric and a member of his own family."

Of course this article was written by a homosexual who lives with his partner, both of whom are raising a son together. =( The ending of the article points out that "If we [homosexuals] don't want the same fate to befall us - and I don't - then it's only prudent for us not to take too much pleasure in the plight of Alan Keyes. The next time someone like Maya Keyes comes tumbling out of the closet, we should all try to be gracious and not succumb to our baser instincts. Because one day it's going to be our turn."

First I must point out sever words used... fate, gracious, baser instincts... Does anyone notice a problem here? Or is it just me?

If anything, this article smacks of unfounded superstitious Cracker Jack card - ism.

Come now, do we really think that there is somehow a universal scheme of retribution going on in the cosmos (assuming an atheistic/naturalistic worldview)? I don't think so... But then again, we could be living in a world where every person born is born into a sin nature regardless of who their parents are and the only way to get rid of that nature of slavery to sin is by a sovereign act of the Triune God showing mercy upon an individual according to His good pleasure alone. What if that were the case? =)

I think that anyone who uses the term 'cosmic retribution' from a non-theistic worldview is looking for a way to feel more comfortable acknowledging a deity without acknowledging a deity. Kinda like Buddhism or something similar. Nevertheless, God does not respect a superstitious adherence to 'cosmic retribution.' He will do as He pleases and convert the heart and mind of anyone He so chooses.

Here are two Biblical standards to live by if we are ever going to help anyone understand who God is and that He alone is worthy of devotion, glory, honor, and praise:

1 Peter 3:15-17: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."

2 Corinthians 10:3-6: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."

Let us therefore pray, study, and seek God's Kingdom above all earthly things so that we might take part in the ministry of reconciliation and the consummation of all things when the fullness of God's Kingdom has come. Then we shall see the wicked go off into eternal death and the righteous into eternal life.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,